Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Random Thoughts on Equinox


Hooray!  Autumnal equinox!
A time of year when birds in flocks
Seek warmer climes (or else wear socks)
And we yearn to set back our clocks.


To explain this time autumnal
Needs astronomy awesome-nal.
12 hours sun is the outcome-nal.
12 hours dark.  That's it, in sum-nal.


Long ago, a Greek ~ Hipparchus
Watched the skies and made remark-es,
And before him, Aristarchus
(Though he failed to trader-markus).


When sun crosses the equator,
Day and night?  Neither one's greater
But the earth's axis is straighter
Than at solstice, which comes later.



Celebrate with a bracelet that doesn't bother explaining why Autumnal Equinox falls on either September 22nd, 23rd, or 24th, or why day and night aren't really the same length that day.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I have one that is similar and people stop me all the time to ask where it came from. I am so glad you embrace the Fall as much as I do. Thanks!!


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