Yellow turquoise, it seems to me, is an oxymoron. Turquoise is a lovely glowing radiant color.
It is not yellow-y greenish gray.
And while there is such a thing as turquoise with a yellow cast, as in the bottom row on this bracelet...
According to Beadaholique, "The trade name "yellow turquoise" describes this stone that is a... mixture of serpentine, jasper and quartz. It often is found in the same mines as traditional blue/green turquoise, hence the name. From China.
I also checked in with Szarka Carter, of Magpie Gemstones,
who suggested said stones are jasper. And there's
nothing wrong with jasper. It's a good honest stone, with some lovely healing properties. Some of my
favorite charms are made of jasper, in one form or another.

In Vogue Jewelry did a spirited rant on the topic of yellow turquoise. Check it out.
Yellow Turquoise is yet another stone by a false name, like "evening emerald" (peridot), "Indian jade" (jasper), or "Canadian lapis" (sodalite).
Some noted sellers do not even admit to it being anything but, well, yellow turquoise. In fact, ArtBeads says "Yellow turquoise, or Chinese turquoise as it is sometimes called, is sweeping the beading world! Its popularity is beginning to rival the more traditional blue turquoise."
Um, no.
It bothers me that sellers would sell this to innocent trusting jewelry artists as a form of turquoise. At least with pyrite, we call it fool's gold... the stuff that fooled the miners long ago. In tribute to them, I put some "yellow turquoise" together with pyrite. This is a Charm of Deception.
To quote Gilbert & Sullivan:
Things are seldom what they seem,
Skim milk masquerades as cream;
Highlows pass as patent leathers;
Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.
Captain. (puzzled)
Very true,
So they do.
Black sheep dwell in every fold;
All that glitters is not gold;
Storks turn out to be but logs;
Bulls are but inflated frogs.
Using my "yellow turquoise," I created the charms above ans the necklace below.
I call the collection Oxymoron Jewelery.
Any questions??
To see what the other jewelry artists created with their gemstones and metal,
follow the yellow turquoise road. ;-)
follow the yellow turquoise road. ;-)
Your hostess: Lisa Lodge, A Grateful Artist
Kim Dworak, Cianci Blue
Marybeth Rich, A Few Words from within the Pines
Karen Grosset Grange, Ginkgo et Coquelicot
Veralynne Malone, Designed by Vera
Katrina Taylor, I Wanna Go Out
Ann Schroeder, Bead Love
Kathleen Breeding, 99 Bottles of Beads on the Wall
Terri Wlaschin, Dances in Fog
Margaret Pelech, Big Margaret
Jo-Ann Woolverton, It's a Beadiful Creation
Kathy Zeigler Lindemer, Bay Moon Design
Heather Richter, Desert Jewelry Designs
Carolyn Lawson, Carolyn's Creations
Toltec Jewels, Jewel School Friends
Melissa Trudinger, Bead Recipes
Shaiha Williams, Shaiha's Ramblings
Chris Eisenberg, Wanderware (May be delayed a few days)
Eleanor Burian Moore, The Charmed Life
Christine Stonefield, Sweet Girl Design
Robin Reed, Artistry HCBD
Laurie Vyselaar, Lefthand Jewelry
Cassi Renee Paslick, Beads: Rolling Downhill
Crystal Thain, Here Bead Dragons
Alicia Marinache, All the Pretty Things (May be delayed a few days)
Becky Pancake, Becky Pancake Bead Designs
Judy Campbell, Macmillanmarie Jewellery Design
Nan Smith, Handmade Jewelry Nanmade
Marde Lowe, FanciMarDesigns
Linda Anderson, From the Bead Board
Leithleach Alainn Seodra, Alainn Jewelry
Lisa E. Prewitt Knappenberger, LiRaysa Designs
Paige Maxim, Paige Maxim Designs