
Monday, August 3, 2009

Only 88 Days Left Until Halloween

And that's why these charms are having a party. I brought them all together so they could learn to work and play well with others. I even made some pretty little black and orange Czech glass flowers to set the tone of tasteful elegance.


But before I knew it, the witch had cast a spell on the ghost. The ghost was acting like he'd had a few too many and was wearing the jack lantern on his head like a lampshade.


The spider promptly bit the black cat, who then ate the spider and hocked up the remains on my floor, where several errant beads became permanently encased. The black cat then started on the candy corn. If there's a corner missing, you'll know who ate it.


Meanwhile Frankenstein's Monster and the Vampire were having a little contest to see who could claim the most souls by midnight. Whenever he thought he was losing, the Vampire changed himself into a bat.


Do you see what I have to work with? They're out of control!


I am giving them a time out in my ebay store. You can bail them out if you dare.


Maybe by then the skeletons will stop singing "I Ain't Got Nobody!" in the corner.


  1. LOL!!! These are the BEST! Keep on makin' them. I must get some before H-day...


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